Mr Tan Thuan Hor, Jacky is our Executive Director and CEO, and is responsible for the overall strategic, management and business development of our Group.
Mr Jacky Tan is one of the founders of our Group and has more than 18 years of experience in the lubricant industry. Under Mr Jacky Tan’s management and leadership, our Group has built up our business and reputation over the years to become a prominent lubricant manufacturer in the lubricant industry.
Prior to founding our Group, Mr Jacky Tan had 8 years of working experience, having served as the general manager and operations director of 2 quarry and mining companies in Indonesia which operated several quarries and mining operations. As general manager, he was responsible for managing the administrative and overall operations of the company, as well as the planning, design, construction, production and maintenance of quarry plants. He led the company to adopt a different quarry extraction method, moving from gravel mining method to mountaintop removal mining method, thereby improving the scale of operations of the company substantially. As operations director, he developed policies to optimise the maintenance of heavy equipment to minimise wear and tear, as well as improved the production cycle of the quarries by upgrading and improving the extraction tools and methods to yield better output. Besides these, while he was employed in these 2 companies, Mr Jacky Tan implemented formal corporate processes to streamline the operations of the companies. He also put in place a new IT system in the companies that allowed all the business divisions (including inventory control, spare parts management and repairs) to be accessed from a centralised database, resulting in more cost-efficient operations.
Mr Jacky Tan graduated from the University of Canberra with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Building in 1991.